2024 WAEC GCE Chemistry Question And Answers Expo

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) Has Scheduled The 2024 WAEC GCE  Chemistry Question And Answers Paper To Take Place on 21 November, 2024.













The industrial preparation of ammonia is typically done through the Haber-Bosch process. This process involves the reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen gases at high temperature and pressure, with the use of a metal catalyst to increase the rate of the reaction.

(i) Increasing the pressure of the reaction.
(ii) Decreasing the temperature of the reaction.
(iii) Using a more effective catalyst.
(iv) Removing the ammonia from the reaction mixture as it is formed to shift the equilibrium towards the products.

(i) Fertilizer production
(ii) Household cleaning products
(iii) Refrigeration
(iv) Explosive manufacturing
(vi) Textile processing
(vii) Wastewater treatment

(i) Screening
(ii) Coagulation and flocculation
(iii) Sedimentation
(iv) Filtration
(v) Disinfection

(i) Screening: Removes large debris and particles from the water.
(ii) Coagulation and flocculation: Causes small particles to clump together, making them easier to remove.
(iii) Sedimentation: Allows the clumped particles to settle out of the water.
(iv) Filtration: Removes any remaining small particles and contaminants from the water.
(v) Disinfection: Kills any remaining microorganisms in the water, making it safe for consumption.

A laboratory test for hydrogen chloride gas can be done by passing the gas through water, which will form a solution of hydrochloric acid. The presence of hydrogen chloride gas can be detected by the formation of white fumes when a glass rod dipped in ammonia solution is brought near the test solution. The intensity of the white fumes can be used to estimate the concentration of the hydrogen chloride gas.


Allotropy is the existence of an element in two or more different forms (allotropes) in the same physical state, with each form having distinct atomic arrangements and properties. Examples include diamond and graphite for carbon.

(I) Carbon – Diamond or Graphite
(II) Sulphur – Rhombic sulphur or Monoclinic sulphur

The CO₂ gas is impure because it contains other gaseous impurities such as water vapor and traces of unreacted hydrochloric acid vapor.

concentrated sulphuric acid

(i) Add freshly prepared iron(II) sulphate solution to the test sample.
(ii) Carefully add concentrated sulphuric acid down the side of the test tube.
(iii) A brown ring forms at the junction of the two liquids, indicating the presence of nitrate ions (NO₃⁻).

(i) Dissolve calcium chloride in water to form a calcium chloride solution.
(ii) Add a solution of sodium carbonate (or sodium trioxocarbonate (IV)) to the calcium chloride solution.
(iii) A white precipitate of calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) forms.
(iv) Filter the mixture to collect the precipitate.
(v) Wash the precipitate with distilled water and allow it to dry.

(i) Both are made up of carbon atoms.
(ii) Both have covalent bonds between the carbon atoms.

Diamond has a tetrahedral structure, where each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms. In contrast, graphite has a layered structure, with each carbon atom bonded to three others in hexagonal sheets

Diamond is hard because of its 3D tetrahedral network where all carbon atoms are covalently bonded, forming a rigid structure WHILE Graphite is soft because its layers are held together by weak van der Waals forces, allowing them to slide over each other easily.

Hydrogen chloride is soluble in water because it ionizes completely to form hydrogen ions (H⁺) and chloride ions (Cl⁻) when dissolved. This interaction is due to the high polarity of water molecules, which attract and stabilize the H⁺ and Cl⁻ ions.


This brings the attention of candidates writing the exam in to searching for WAEC GCE Chemistry 2024 Questions And Answers, WAEC GCE Chemistry Expo 2024, WAEC GCE Chemistry Questions 2024, WAEC GCE Chemistry Answer 2024, WAEC GCE physics essay 2024 and etc.

2024 WAEC GCE Chemistry Question And Answers

In this section, you will read the steps and requirements needed for you to get 2024 WAEC GCE Chemistry Question And Answers before exam.

2024 WAEC GCE Chemistry Paper is Categorized in to 3 parts:

  • WAEC GCE Chemistry Essay 2024
  • WAEC GCE Chemistry Objective 2024
  • WAEC GCE Chemistry Practical 2024

Here on zamgist, we have solved all the questions. That is 2024 WAEC GCE Chemistry Question And Answers.

2024 WAEC GCE Chemistry Question And Answers Expo



2024 WAEC GCE EXPO 2024 WAEC GCE Chemistry Question And Answers
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WAEC GCE Chemistry Expo 2024

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Area of Concentration for Chemistry WAEC GCE 2024?

Below are the area of concentration for chemistry WAEC 2024:

Introduction To Chemistry

Measurement of physical quantities.

Scientific measurements and their importance in chemistry.

Scientific methods, including observation, hypothesis, experimentation, formulation of laws and theories.

3. Chemical Bonds

Interatomic bonding.

Formation of ionic bonds and compounds.

Properties of ionic compounds.

Naming of ionic compounds.

Formation of covalent bonds and compounds.

Properties of covalent compounds.

Coordinate (dative) covalent bonding.

Metallic bonding and properties of metals.

Structure Of The Atom

Gross features of the atom.

Atomic number, number of neutrons, isotopes, atomic mass, mass number.

Dalton’s atomic theory, J.J. Thompson’s experiment, Bohr’s model of the atom.

Rutherford’s alpha scattering experiment.

Relative atomic mass (Ar) and relative molecular mass (Mr) based on Carbon-12 scale.

Characteristics and nature of matter.

Particulate nature of matter: physical and chemical changes.

Electron configuration, orbitals, rules and principles for filling electrons.

Periodic Chemistry

Periodicity of the elements.

Different categories of elements in the periodic table.

Periodic law and trends on the periodic table.

Periodic gradation of elements in the third period.

Explanation of the periodic law and periodic properties.

Chemistry, Industry, And The Environment

Chemical industry, pollution, biotechnology.

Basic Biochemistry and Synthetic Polymers:

Proteins, amino acids, fats/oils, carbohydrates.

Synthetic polymers, properties, and uses.

Redox Reactions

Oxidation and reduction processes.

Oxidizing and reducing agents.

Redox equations, half-reactions, and overall reactions.

Electrochemical cells, standard electrode potential.

Stoichiometry And Chemical Reactions

Symbols, formulae, and equations.

Laws of chemical combination.

Amount of substance and mole ratios.

Solutions, concentration terms, standard solutions.

Preparation of solutions by dilution.

Standard Separation Techniques For Mixtures

Classification of mixtures.

Separation techniques: crystallization, distillation, precipitation, chromatography, etc.

Criteria for purity.

Energy And Energy Changes

Energy and enthalpy.

Energy changes and their effects.

Solubility Of Substances

General principles of solubility.

Saturated and unsaturated solutions.

Solubility curves, solubility expressions.

Effect of temperature on solubility.

Crystallization and recrystallization.

Chemical Kinetics And Equilibrium System

Rate of reactions and factors affecting rates.

Theories of reaction rates.

Equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s principle.

Acids, Bases, And Salts

Definitions of acids and bases.

Properties of acids and bases.

Acids, bases, and salts as electrolytes.

Classification of acids and bases.

Concept of pH.

WAEC GCE Chemistry Syllabus 2024